My name is Malcolm and I came and joined the team at Harewood as a volunteer shuttle driver in 2002 as a result of a local advertisement for volunteers for several roles.

All my my working life has been people orientated, nursing in the RAF, banking in the UK.

When I retired in 2001, I wanted to give something back to society so I became an adviser at the local Citizens Advice Bureau and shuttle driver to maintain my contact with people.

In this role at Harewood you meet visitors from all over the world and I try and make them feel welcome. Some I greet them in their language from the very limited knowledge which I gained through my travels in the RAF. I am also able to provide them information and directions which I gained from my experiences over the years.

There are many memorable stories that I can recall but two in particular both of which involve school visits. I was looking after some children on the Parterre during Queen Elizabeth’s visit in 2002 when the whole VIPs passed closely by.

The other was on the steps to the entrance to the house when Princess Anne visited. I was talking to the teacher who told me that two of her pupils were relatives of the family. She asked them if they had met Princess Anne and they answered “No, but we have met her Mum!”