Harewood House is home to three libraries. This one is the oldest and is decorated to convey a theme of learning and knowledge, reflecting its function as a library.
The busts displayed above the bookcases depict various scholars and writers from history, including the 17th century scientist Sir Isaac Newton. The room was also designed to be a practical space, with its decorative columns doubling-up as cupboards for extra storage space for books, plans and maps.
This room was originally furnished by the locally born cabinet-maker, Thomas Chippendale. Harewood was Chippendale’s largest and most lucrative commission, worth more than £10,000 (over £1 million today).
Some of the Old Library’s original furniture can still be seen in this room today.

Metamorphic library steps
- British Furniture

Arm chair
- British Furniture

The Triumph of Homer
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Entrance Hall

China Room

Entrance Hall