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Calanthe tricarinata

  • Sino-Himalayan Plants
This splendid species of terrestrial orchid is one of a number that have been planted in the Himalayan Garden over…

Metasequoia glyptostroboides

  • Sino-Himalayan Plants
Known as the Dawn Redwood or the Chinese Water Fir, this fast-growing, deciduous conifer is one of a kind in…

Primula florindae

  • Sino-Himalayan Plants
This magnificent species of primula is sometimes known as the ‘Giant Himalayan cowslip’ and is the largest primula in the…

Cornus kousa var. chinensis

  • Sino-Himalayan Plants
Being taller and with slightly larger leaves, this variety of ‘Chinese dogwood’ is a geographical form of the Japanese species.

Meconopsis ‘Lingholm’

  • Sino-Himalayan Plants
A popular garden name for blue-flowered varieties is the ‘Himalayan Blue Poppy’, although many are indigenous to China.

Pinus wallichiana

  • Sino-Himalayan Plants
One of the most graceful of all conifers, the Himalayan Pine is a long-needled species native to the Himalaya, where…

Davidia involucrata

  • Sino-Himalayan Plants
This very special and unusual tree is known as the ‘pocket handkerchief’ tree or ‘dove’ tree because in spring it…

Rhododendron augustinii

  • Sino-Himalayan Plants
This beautiful, blue-flowered rhododendron has been repeatedly planted at Harewood since the 1930s and is a joy to see in spring.