No-Dig Method
A wide range of heritage vegetables and flowers thrive here, all grown using organic, sustainable practices in keeping with our values around environmental sustainability and biodiversity. The no-dig method is used to protect the soil’s complex ecosystem, preserving the ‘soil food web’ of invertebrates, fungi, and microorganisms that play a vital role in environmental health.

Seasonal Fruits and Heritage Plants
Throughout the seasons, you’ll find a variety of fruits growing in the garden from red, white, and black currants, strawberries and gooseberries to apples, plums, pears, quince, and medlar.
An old mulberry tree can be seen on the approach to the Walled Garden, and during the summer months, a range of traditional English hop varieties cover the south-facing wall.
In addition to the fruit blossom, various flower crops and companion plants grow among the vegetables. You’ll also find a large double herbaceous border and a meadow of wildflowers.
The Walled Garden is positively buzzing with insect pollinators and the perfect spot to pick up some gardening tips from our wonderful Gardens team.
Perfect place for a picnic
With the Bothy Teahouse and Rose Garden nearby, the Walled Garden is a perfect spot to relax, enjoy a peppermint tea, or watch wildlife by the lake.

It’s one of Harewood’s most popular destinations, and for good reason.
The produce harvested here is used in our cafés and sold in the shop, and the hops are brewed into our famous Harewood beer each September.