Walk across the World
Once a space where the Lascelles family tried their hand at golf and Edwardian ladies honed their archery skills, today it’s a living testament to the ever-evolving landscape of Harewood.
Originally planted with shrubs in the 1930s, it was transformed by Harewood House Trust in 1999 and filled with striking, exotic plants.
Bananas, gingers, yuccas, pineapple lilies, bottle brush, rice-paper trees, magnolias and ‘Devil’s Tobacco’ adorn the lower Terrace wall, presenting a rich array of unusual woody and herbaceous plants from all over the world.

A stroll along the ‘Archery Ground’ offers stunning views across the iconic Lancelot “Capability” Brown landscape.
The scale and exuberance of the planting scheme in the Archery Border, combined with its late flowering season, makes a visit to the Terrace in late summer to early autumn an essential part of the Harewood experience.
Often overlooked, the Archery Border is the perfect spot to kick back and watch the world go by. Listen to the gentle hum of crickets in the long grass and watch Hebridean sheep bound across Sunside as Emperor dragonflies drift by."
April Skipp - Marketing Manager