Heirs of Slavery
Harewood House Trust welcomes the creation of the Heirs of Slavery group, which includes David Lascelles, the Earl of Harewood, and other people whose ancestors profited from transatlantic slavery.

Tour of the Caribbean
In 1906, the Lascelles family set sail in their yacht, the Dolores, for a several month-long holiday to the Caribbean.

Volunteer on a mission for equality
This photograph was taken during the first of my many visits to Harewood House.

Voices of Leeds
Harewood is near Leeds, a thriving, energetic and multicultural city. Given Harewood's history, we want to raise the voices of…

Recovering Identity in Harewood’s West Indian Archive
In this article, Olivia Wyatt discusses the importance of surviving plantation inventories and how they can be used to recover the identities of enslaved African Caribbeans.

Harewood, Slavery and the Caribbean
Regarded as one of England’s ‘Treasure Houses’, Harewood House’s history, like most prominent British institutions, is closely linked to slavery and colonialism. Here, you’ll learn more about this intricate history.

Power. Whiteness. Resistance.
In this blog, Olivia Wyatt, researcher, historian and former Harewood volunteer challenges the ‘facts’ of the archive.

Harewood and the Barbadian Revolt of 1816
On the evening of the 14 April 1816 – 208 years ago to this day – fires were lit in…

Carnival Messiah
Nobody who attended the performances of Geraldine Connor’s epic masterpiece Carnival Messiah at Harewood House will ever forget it.

Missing Portraits with St Matthew's Church of England Primary School
A collaborative project with St Matthew's Church of England Primary School in Leeds to create some inspiring pieces of work on their Black role model for Harewood Missing Portrait series.