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Adam arrives safely back to Harewood

Sir Jacob Epstein’s iconic sculpture ‘Adam’ returns to Harewood House today from the Royal Academy of Arts, where he has been displayed in the landmark exhibition ‘Modern British Sculpture’.

Click here to visit our website and watch the video to see Adam restored to the Entrance Hall here at Harewood and to hear from Anna Robinson (Head of House and Collections) as well as Jim Barrett (MOMART).

Finding Adam opens at Harewood House on 22nd April and explores the sculpture’s strange and epic journey from Louis Tussaud’s warehouse in Blackpool, to the Edinburgh International Festival, to his present home here at Harewood.

Read more about the Finding Adam exhibition here…

Image credit: The York Press


Digging Up the Past..

In April this year Harewood will become the field-study school for the whole University of York Department of Archaeology. Over 80 students as well as the University of York archaeologists will be digging the site of ‘Gawthorpe’ the medieval manor house that stood on the site before the current Harewood House was completed in 1771.

Education sessions will allow school groups to explore the dig, get their hands dirty digging and talk to the archaeologists. Workshops, lectures and public tours of the dig as well as exhibits of finds will make up part of our Medieval Festival event taking place on Sat 16th & Sun 17th July so join us then to find out more!

Visit our What’s On webpages for details of all our forthcoming events…

Justin Fletcher (aka Mr Tumble) confirmed for Harewood’s Children’s Festival

Preparations are well underway already for what is, by far and away our biggest event of the season.

This year we’ve planned a real Children’s Fest with a whole host of characters and entertainment. We are thrilled we have been able to secure award-winning CBeebies presenter Justin Fletcher (aka Mr Tumble) for an appearance on the Monday and we’ve got our fingers crossed for sunshine!

It helps us with event planning if our visitors pre-book online ahead of the event. As an added bonus for doing so, you can pre-book tickets online now to be entered into our prize draw to win a VIP experience on the day…

Click here to read more or to book now…

New plans for Terrace Cottage…

You may have seen a building nestled in the trees near the Adventure Playground at Harewood; Terrace Cottage. Previously not open to the public, we’re pleased to be opening the cottage up to visitors in the near future as the venue for our Second Hand Bookshop. We’ll have Paperbacks and Hardbacks, books for adults and children – and a comfy area for you to enjoy the books at your leisure. Our plan is to make Harewood sustainable – and the bookshop will be the ultimate recycling facility.. Bring along a book, buy a book, donate a book.. and the cycle repeats.. (All proceeds go to the Harewood Charitable Trust).

Keep an eye out on our website news pages for updates!

Nature Fest goes down a treat!

Our all-new event for February half term went down a treat with everyone!

The plan was to host a week of nature-themed fun and activities for little ones and adults alike…helping our visitors to make the most of Harewood and the great outdoors at this time of year – and blow those winter cobwebs away!

Nature Fest: Go wild outdoors at Harewood this February half term turned out to be a fantastic idea and a wonderful event.

Whether they had a thirst for knowledge or an enthusiasm for the outdoors or just wanted to have fresh air and fun at the Harewood, our visitors unanimously approved the new event!

With so much going on visitors we’re spoilt for choice: grow your own, meet the bugs, storytelling sessions, nature trails, Bird Garden walk-talk-feed tours, cookery demos in the Old Kitchen, willow weaving and Garden trails to the Walled Garden to see the work going on there developing Harewood’s original Kitchen Garden.

If you missed it this year be sure to join us next year!

visit our what’s on pages to find out about forthcoming events and more…