We strive to diversify our audience to ensure we are truly representative of our community, providing a vital resource for individuals and communities who currently don’t engage with Harewood but have a need for experiences in cultural and nature spaces.

Priority for the next 5 years

Our priority audiences over the next 5 years include:

  • Local families from low-income households
  • Children with special educational needs or disabilities, and care experienced young people
  • Local visitors of the global majority

Harewood Community Access Membership (CAM) is an annual membership for organisations providing support to community groups facing barriers to accessing Harewood.

CAM groups will be able to visit Harewood at any point throughout the year, as many times as they like.

The membership is for service users, their carers, accompanying support workers and volunteers, and next of kin.

Membership will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, and our Development team will aim to respond to your interest form within 2 weeks of receipt.


Your organisation must be providing services to communities facing barriers to visiting Harewood without a supported visit. These are including but not limited to:

  • Local families from low-income households
  • Children with special educational needs or disabilities, and care experienced young people
  • Local visitors of the global majority

Organisations must be based in West, North or South Yorkshire.

Your organisation must be one of the following:

Registered non-profit organisations:
  • A registered charity
  • A community interest company (CIC)
  • A community benefit society
  • A voluntary community group
Other organisations:

An organisation registered with the Care Quality Commission (for example, residential care homes)


Registered non-profit organisations
£75 per annum (inc. VAT)
Other organisations
£250 per annum (inc. VAT)