Welcome to Harewood, where we reimagine what a country house can be in the 21st century.
We are proud to be part of the lives of many Yorkshire families, as well as welcoming visitors from around the UK and all over the world to explore our heritage.
We are an independent charitable trust, and through our vibrant exhibitions and events that encompass art, craft, history and nature, we strive to show that Harewood has a living, evolving history, one that will benefit our communities for many years to come.
Donate Today, Protect Tomorrow
As a charity, we depend on your support to keep the magic of Harewood alive. Each year we need to generate more than £3.5 million to protect and develop the House, Gardens and Grounds and ensure they are accessible to everyone. Donate now to help us protect this special place for future generations.

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Legacy of the Caribbean



Harewood Stories


The Estate

Preserve for the public benefit Harewood House with its ancillary buildings, gardens, arboreta, woodlands and park; to promote the study and appreciation of Harewood as a place of historic and cultural interest and natural beauty; to provide facilities for recreation and leisure-time occupations; and to advance the education of the public in the arts and the sciences."
Mission Statement - Harewood House Trust