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Outdoor Concerts at Harewood – Fri 8 + Sun 10 July

On Friday 8 July, Harewood will be hosting An Evening with Michael Buble, a large scale outdoor concert. Therefore, Harewood will be closing at the earlier time of 4:30pm.

Harewood Gardens + grounds 10am-4.30pm, last admission 3pm
Visitor Information 10am-4pm
House +Terrace Tearooms 11am–4pm
Courtyard cafe + Courtyard Shop  10am-4pm
Bird Garden 10am–4pm, last entry 3.30pm
Bothy +Church closing at  3.30pm
Lakeside path 10am–4pm
Kiosk  10am–4.15pm

If you are attending the Michael Buble concert, please visit the event FAQs >> 

On Sunday 10 July, Harewood will be hosting Bryan Adams, a large scale outdoor concert. 

Harewood Gardens + Grounds 10am-7.15pm, last admission 15:30pm
Visitor Information
House +Terrace Tearooms
Courtyard Cafe + Courtyard Shop 
Bird Garden
10am–5.30pm, last entry 5pm
Church 10am–5pm
Lakeside path 10am–5.30pm
Kiosk 10am–7 pm

The park will be staying open until 7.15pm. As there will be significant traffic prior to the concert, we would recommend visitors to Harewood either depart prior to 3.30pm or stay on site until 7.15pm, when the bulk of the event traffic is expected to have subsided.

If you are attending the Bryan Adams concert, please visit the event FAQs >>