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Exhibition Archive


Showing 1–5 of 22 exhibitions

the grove of delight

3 July – 30 October 2016

Doire sholais is the Gaelic name for a place on the Isle of Skye ('Doire' means 'grove') and the poet/artist, Thomas A Clark, has turned the Terrace Gallery into a symbolic 'grove of delight'. The grove began with the structure of the Terrace Gallery with the four stone pillars representing four trees. Each carefully considered element brought … Read more

Shade into Shade

25 March – 24 July 2016

Harewood opened the 2016 spring season with an exhibition of work by the highly acclaimed Finnish photographer Jorma Puranen. During a short residency at Harewood, Puranen photographed Harewood’s landscape and the lake (one of Brown’s most significant contributions). His images are distinguished by his use of a special technique where he … Read more

New Rhythms: Henri Gaudier-Brzeska: Art, Dance and Movement in London 1911 – 1915

11 July – 1 November 2015

Harewood was the only venue to receive a major exhibition from Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge, featuring work by renowned French-born sculptor and draughtsman, Henri Gaudier-Brzeska. It was the first time Brzeska’s engagement with dance and movement had been explored. New Rhythms brought together sculpture, drawing, photography, film, and archive … Read more

Thomas J Price: Recent Works

4 July – 1 November 2015

Thomas J Price is a rising star of the British contemporary art scene. Never meeting your gaze, these intriguing sculptures explored human facial expressions in minute detail. Using traditional techniques, the exhibition appealed to classical and contemporary tastes. Read more

Mr Turner and Mr Girtin: The Early Years

3 April – 5 July 2015

Never before had Turner and Girtin been so directly compared in an exhibition. These innovative watercolourists, were both commissioned early in their careers to paint the same views of Harewood. This exhibition offered you the chance to directly compare these important British artists from the place that they visited and painted. Using these … Read more