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Exhibition Archive


Showing 21–22 of 22 exhibitions

Sir Sidney Nolan exhibition

19 July – 31 October 1992

Sir Sidney Nolan retrospective exhibition celebrating his 75th birthday. Sadly he died on 28th November 1992, less than a month after the exhibition at Harewood closed.  So, this retrospective, with works from over 50 years of his career, was the last exhibition in his lifetime. Read more

Desert Dreamings 1992

1 January – 31 December 1992

Exhibition of works by 37 Aboriginal Australian artists including Albert Namatjira, Walter Ebatarinta, Pansy Napangarti, Ronnie Tjampitjinpa, Riley Major Tjangala, Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri and Johnny Warangkula. (Photograph Jim Kershaw) Read more